Life Quality Classes
There is a way of being
Which is lighter
Which is freer
A way in which work
As well as play
Becomes a dance
And living a song
We can learn this way.
~Milton Trager
TRAGER for Daily Life Classes
The Trager for Daily Life classes propose simple movement explorations and/or touch experiences that enhance attention and foster feelings of relaxation, energy and ease.
Class participants discover how to listen to their body cues and adapt the Trager moves called Mentastics to their personal condition. This process brings the mind into focus, in a state comparable to meditation.
The Trager touch helps a partner feel the qualities of well-being while sitting, standing or lying. Using simple rocking, elongation and compression motions, the students learn to adapt their touch to fit their partner’s range of comfort. A safe space is created in which it becomes easy to let go.
The skills developed during these classes can easily be integrated in everyday activities to improve the quality of life in all kinds of contexts.
No prerequisites required
A 1-day class or series of short classes of 1-2 hours each
Fulfills part of the requirement for entering the certification program
Photo: Marita Melzer
Repetition of gestures and posture habits can cause discomfort, limitation feelings and pain. Exploring new avenues brings us into a fuller experience of the richness of our capacities.
Through movement explorations, the participants develop…
A deeper body/mind awareness
A quieter mind
A better understanding of their habitual patterns
A repertoire of movements to augment their levels of ease, balance, calmness and vitality.
This is a good option for all who wish to explore lighter ways of moving through life.
No prerequisites required
Offered in all kinds of time frames
Fulfills part of the requirement for entering the certification program
“Mentastics do not consist of a technique, a method, or a routine. It is an approach of mind and motion perfectly synchronized. Mentastics are never about how many, how fast, how far or how physically powerful the movements are. They are done with the feeling of how light, how beautiful, how free, how complete the movements can be.”
Photo: Avi Bahat
These classes are composed of Mentastics movements, the learning of the Trager principles, demonstrations of the tablework through “tastes” for the participants, one-on-one experimentations of the Trager tablework, and group discussions including information about the Trager certification program and the Trager organization.
This is the perfect choice for those who are contemplating the possibility of registering in the certification program to become a Trager practitioner.
No prerequisites required
Up to two days
Fulfills part of the requirement for entering the certification program
The Trager for Daily Life classes and the Mentastics movement classes are led by certified Trager practitioners who have completed a basic 400-hour training and are pursuing their professional development with Continuing Education.
The Trager Approach Introductory Workshops are taught by certified Trager practitioners who have been supervised by a Certification Program Trager Instructor, and have received their recommendation.
“You can experience a more beautiful way of feeling, knowing and moving your body. These feelings of freedom accumulate and establish a positive picture pattern in your unconscious mind of how much freer and softer you can be.”