
Filtering by: Intro
Intro - Intro:  Trager Retreat - Panzano In Chianti
to Aug 14

Intro - Intro: Trager Retreat - Panzano In Chianti

Dates: 10/11/12/13/14 of August 2025

Location: Loc. Santa Lucia in Faulle, Panzano In Chianti (FI) -details about the address posted on

Teacher: Luca Di Napoli

Language: italian & english

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397

Donella Tassi +39 340 1479751

ATI secretariat +39 3714681851(only whatsapp)

Note: 3 hours classes in the morning, free time in the afternoon

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Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach
to Jan 12

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach: Mentastics


Dates: January 9-12, 2025

Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact:, (202) 686-7046

Cost: Regular Registration $660. Early Bird registration: $599. (Both include $100 deposit.)



This 4-day class is open to everyone!

It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026. For full program details see:

It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:

Thursday, January 9th - 10:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Friday, January 10th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Saturday, January 11th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Sunday, January 12th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-4:30


24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.

The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.


Class Description:

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.


He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.


Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist and Trager Instructor Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.


This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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Trager Introductory Workshop on ZOOM with Judy Fasone
to Apr 18

Trager Introductory Workshop on ZOOM with Judy Fasone

  •  4 Continuing Education Units available from NCBTMB

  • Tues eve 4/11 6:30-8:30 CST Tues eve 4/18 6:30-8:30 CST

  • Explore “Self-Care as Health Care” and how you can improve your own health through movement explorations and gentle touch

  • Deepen the ability to sense changes in your body and recognize patterns that no longer work for you

  •  Sense the difference between fatigue, tension, and pain

  • Explore movement possibilities that enable you to be more joyful and energized for yourself and your clients.

  • Learn about Milton Trager’s vision for peace in the world, one person at a time.

  •  Partially meet prerequisites for the Level One Trager Professional Training     Novices and professionals welcome!

Join us for 2 evenings of learning about the Trager Approach. Discussion, movements for self care and meet Dr. Milton Trager MD, (1908 - 1997), on video, and hear about his vision “to create peace in the world, one person at a time”.

For Information contact Kelly McGee

To register from US online go to: Cost for both classes is $75 USD

To register in Canada go to: $75 CAD for both classes

Please register by April 10th.

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Introductory Workshop
9:30 AM09:30

Introductory Workshop

INTRODUCTION to the TRAGER Approach: A day of MENTASTICS movement, touch and sampling of tablework, offered to the general public as well as to bodywork and health professionals. This workshop introduces the easy, carefree way of moving and and receptive touch that Milton Trager discovered as a boxer, acrobat and doctor, which he taught to practitioners around the world. (The workshop also fulfills a prerequisite for recommendation to the Level 1 professional training.)
Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:30AM-5:30 PM,


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10:00 AM10:00



January 14, 2023

PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Roger Tolle, Instructor

Contact:  (202) 686-7046

Class Description:

The feeling and function of our feet has an effect on our entire body. The Trager® Approach offers great ways of working effectively with foot related issues brought to us by clients. Self-care Trager practices also bring refreshed levels of sensitivity, support and comfort for our own feet, legs, pelvis, back and beyond. In this interactive workshop, Roger shares his experience and understanding of how positive feeling fuels and restores natural function, as well as insight into the deep, long-lasting impact of grounded presence. Walk away with a new spring in your step!

Prerequisites: None



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Trade Day and Holiday Gathering
10:00 AM10:00

Trade Day and Holiday Gathering

Location: Trager Midwest

Dates: Saturday, Dec. 10th, 2022

Faculty: Judy Fasone

Language: English


            Trager Practitioners, students, and alumni

Free to all, unless we have to get a bigger space then we split the cost.

Please bring food to share, we will be on a GLTA zoom from 12-1

RSVP by Dec 5 .

Contact: Judy Fasone




What to bring: food to share, stories to tell, and yourself!


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10:00 AM10:00



December 10, 2022

PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Roger Tolle, Instructor

Contact:  (202) 686-7046

Class Description:

The Trager® Approach offers great ways of working effectively with hand related issues brought to us by clients. The work also offers excellent practices for developing new levels of sensitivity, skill, quality and comfort for our own hands, arms and shoulders. Drawn from decades in practice and teaching, Roger shares his understanding of kinetic physiology and the interdependent influences of mind and body in movement, as well as insight into the deep, long-lasting impact of potent softness. Touching your clients will never be the same.

Prerequisites: None



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Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean
to Oct 9

Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean

Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean

October 8-9, 2022

PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Roger Tolle, Instructor

Contact:  (202) 686-7046

Class Description:

 This two-day workshop illuminates the transformtive experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.

In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating.  You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?

Prerequisites: None


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10:00 AM10:00


Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Intro

TRAINING DATES: 24.10.2021 10:00 – 24.10.2021 16:00

LOCATION: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstraße 78, 66130 Saarbrücken, Germany

FACULTY: Susanne Huth

Language of Instruction: German / Deutsch


Wir lernen die Grundprinzipien von TRAGER kennen: ...wie bewege ich mich freier, leichter, müheloser?

- Wir spielen mit Mentastics (Fühlen - Wahrnehmen - Ankommen durch einfache, formlose, leichte Bewegungen, die geleitet werden durch innere Bilder.

- Demonstration der Tischarbeit

- Ausprobieren kleinerer, spezifischer Bewegungsabläufe mit Partner am Tisch

- Der Intro-Workshop ist auch als Grundlage für die Ausbildung zum/zur TRAGER-PraktikerIn geeignet.

- Der Workshop is besonders geeignet für alle Meschen mit therapeutischen, pädagogischen, pflegerischen oder künstlerischen Berufen, möchte aber auch grundsätzlich alle Menschen ansprechen, die lernen möchten, ihren eigenen Körper genauer zu spüren oder die sich einfach freier fühlen und beweglicher sein möchten.

Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten können gerne bei mir erfragt werden.

Contact Info:

TVD Kursorganisation: Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33

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