
Filtering by: Mentastics
Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]
to Apr 13

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]

  • Google Calendar ICS

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement 

Dates: April 10-13, 2025

Location: Kokemäki Seurahuone in Kokemäki, Finland

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English with Finnish translation

Contact: Sirpa Jauhiainen,, +358 50 3380 226

 Notes: This 4-day, 24-hour class is open to everyone!

It serves as the Mentastics portion of the Trager Certification Training Program, and offers new students a rich introduction to the essential principles that underpin it.

Class Description:

This four-day workshop delves into the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach, inviting participants to experience the work’s guiding principles of softness, weight, waves, connection, play, pause, and authenticity. We explore how our felt sense of movement changes the potency of our touch. This workshop is for anyone interested in deepening their relationship with touch and movement, in personal or professional settings.

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.

He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.

Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.

This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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MENTASTICS in Erlangen
to May 4

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

Course Info:

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

02.05.2025 10:00 – 04.05.2025 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 21.02.2025
Kosten: 390 € + U/V; Frühbucherpreis 360 € bis 24.01.2025
Ort: Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, 91054 Erlangen

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33

Formular Kursanmeldung

Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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Mentastics in the Netherlands
to May 18

Mentastics in the Netherlands

Mentastics Movement Training
(Click on the text and you will come to )

Date: May 16, 2025 09:30 AM - Sun May 18, 2025 6:00 PM

Location: Casa de Madera (in hotel Val Monte) (kaart). (Click on kaart on you will come to a map).

Mentastics is a way to move easily and feel your body more as it is in the here and now. This class is designed for Students in the Trager Professional Certification Training Program, and is also open to professionals and students in movement education, mindfulness, yoga and wellness training.

Teacher: Ann-Charlotte Fogel who is a longtime Mentastics Teacher and Trager Practitioner from Sweden and is trained by Dr Milton Trager.

Training Costs: € 610.00 without overnight stay, breakfast and dinner. Including lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack. Training Costs repeaters (if you want to repeat this module): € 305.00 without overnight stay and lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack.

Location: Berg en Dal and is located in the Fletcher Parkhotel Valmonte.

The training excludes: the book Trager Mentastics. You can order the book through Amazon or from your local Trager Association.

For more information contact: Evelien Kouwer:
Phone and WhatsApp: +31 6 27422338

More info also at  (click on agenda).

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Mentastics - Perugia
to Aug 17

Mentastics - Perugia

Dates: 15/16/17 of August 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: S. Cristina in Gubbio (Perugia-Italy) - details about the address posted on

Teacher: Dante Marchini

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Dante Marchini:

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Mentastics: Somatic Explorations for Self-Care and Self-Healing with Judy Fasone
to Jan 27

Mentastics: Somatic Explorations for Self-Care and Self-Healing with Judy Fasone


Saturday, January 25, 2025 through Monday, January 27, 2025 9-6 $525 Open to all

Mentastics are the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach. They can be used in every aspect of our lives, in every day life. In this class, you will deepen your personal presence, touch, and movement patterns. For 3 days we will engage individually and in pairs, through integrated practice of somatic principles.

Together, we will:
Experience a fully embodied presence,
Find softness in yourself as you connect with others,
Discover the similarities of weight and weightlessness,
Learn self-care skills you can use immediately,
Spend time in small and large groups connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth,
Experience the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach
Practice sustainable skills to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Explore unconscious patterns when trauma, depression, and anxiety, are present.
Enrich both professional and personal relationships .

Contact: website http//


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Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach
to Jan 12

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach: Mentastics


Dates: January 9-12, 2025

Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact:, (202) 686-7046

Cost: Regular Registration $660. Early Bird registration: $599. (Both include $100 deposit.)



This 4-day class is open to everyone!

It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026. For full program details see:

It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:

Thursday, January 9th - 10:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Friday, January 10th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Saturday, January 11th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Sunday, January 12th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-4:30


24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.

The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.


Class Description:

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.


He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.


Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist and Trager Instructor Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.


This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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MENTASTICS für Gruppen in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer
10:00 AM10:00

MENTASTICS für Gruppen in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Mentastics

13.07.2024 10:00 – 13.07.2024 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 06.04.2024
Kosten: 130 € + U/V Frühbucherpreis 120 € bis 18.05.2024
Ort: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, 66130 Saarbrücken

Marita Melzer, TI-Instruktorin und MENTASTICS-Teacher

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

Formular Kursanmeldung

Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als Interessent*in, Student*in oder Praktiker*in….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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Mentastics: Dancing Within
to Jun 16

Mentastics: Dancing Within

  • Google Calendar ICS

Dancing Within: Deepening Personal Mentastics and Transforming Client Connections (Level 2C)

June 13-16, 2024

Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD

Registration deadline: June 1, 2024

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact:  (202) 686-7046

Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see:


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MENTASTICS für Klienten in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer
10:00 AM10:00

MENTASTICS für Klienten in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Mentastics

07.04.2024 10:00 – 07.04.2024 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 24.02.2024
Kosten: 130 € + U/V Frühbucherpreis 120 € bis 10.01.2024
Ort: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, 66130 Saarbrücken

Marita Melzer, TI-Instruktorin und MENTASTICS-Teacher

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

Formular Kursanmeldung


Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als Interessent*in, Student*in oder Praktiker*in….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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MENTASTICS für mich in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer
9:00 AM09:00

MENTASTICS für mich in Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Mentastics

06.04.2024 10:00 – 06.04.2024 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 24.02.2024
Kosten: 130 € + U/V Frühbucherpreis 120 € bis 10.01.2024
Ort: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, 66130 Saarbrücken

Marita Melzer, TI-Instruktorin und MENTASTICS-Teacher

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

Formular Kursanmeldung


Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als Interessent*in, Student*in oder Praktiker*in….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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Mentastics: Dancing From Within
to Sep 17

Mentastics: Dancing From Within

Mentastics: Dancing From Within

September 16-17, 2023

Location: Boulder, CO

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact: Joseph Rodin, (206) 596-6782,

Note: Saturday will review foundational principles of Trager through somatic movement explorations alone and in pairs. Sunday will be structured as a Supervised Practice Day to apply these principles to the inner work we do as we work with clients at the table. This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs March 2023 through September 2024. For full program details see:

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Three-Day Core MENTASTICS Course
to Aug 27

Three-Day Core MENTASTICS Course

Training Dates:  August 25-27, 2023,  from 9AM to 5PM

Faculty: Fawn Christianson and Gail Stewart

Language of Instruction: English


We begin by exploring Mentastics for ourselves as a felt awareness of movement, weight, space, and rhythm. Once we experience this feeling of awareness, it comes without thinking about it!  As in playing, we start with interest and curiosity. “Hello? What is this feeling? How could it be?”  We revisit some of Milton Trager’s profoundly simple movements: movements that have the potential to produce significant mental and physical benefits.

Second, we ask what might stop us from guiding others in Mentastics?  

Not feeling sensations in my own body?  

Being up in my head, trying to figure out my focus? 

Being lost inside myself with no words?  Words take me away from the awareness?

Having no idea where to begin?  

How can we bring ease to an awkward beginning?  We can experiment:  with listening, watching our clients’ movements, including both of us in the process, contexting the purpose of this Mentastics session, and -why not?- trusting that our own feeling/moving experience is contagious.

Third, there’s an even greater opportunity for contagion when in a group. As we continue with relaxed guidance and natural sharing, the group (in this case, us) provides more experiences and expressions to draw from.  By applying skills like holding the space and balancing participation, we can use options such as interaction in pairs - and support participants to accept, appreciate and empower their own discoveries.

In our 3 Days together, your capacities can emerge (perhaps from hiding), and you can experiment with new skills held by a supportive audience.  You are invited to discover, allow and explore your innate ways of guiding.  

As Instructors, we are grateful for the extent to which Mentastics has saved us every day, bringing us back to the present moment with its combination of mental and physical practice.

Contact Info:  Fawn Christianson,

                       Gail Stewart,

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Mentastics 3-day Class
to Jun 25

Mentastics 3-day Class

Three-Day Core Mentastics Class

in Folsom Louisiana

June 23-25, 2023

 Instructor: Judy Fasone

·         Expand your understanding of Mentastics for improved well-being.

·         Notice and change pathways of resistance within ourselves

·         Learn new ways to inspire your clients and your own movement.

·         Build your practice and improve relationships.

·         Add movement facilitation skills to your healing repertoire.

·         Experience gratitude in motion

 Cost is $450, Deposit $150 due by June 20

Register online here :

For information contact: Kelly McGee:

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MENTASTICS in Erlangen
to Jun 18

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

16.06.2023 10:00 – 18.06.2023 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 21.04.2023
Kosten: 390 € + U/V; Frühbucherpreis 360 € bis 10.03.2023
Ort: Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, 91054 Erlangen

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33

Formular Kursanmeldung

Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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Mentastics: Somatic Movement Explorations to Potentiate Touch
to Jun 17

Mentastics: Somatic Movement Explorations to Potentiate Touch

  • Google Calendar ICS

Mentastics: Somatic Movement Explorations to Potentiate Touch

Focusing on the power of softness, support of weight, and the presence of waves, we’ll expand our inner and outer landscape, learn to live and work pain free, and inspire and assist our clients.

Mornings focus on principles of natural human movement that enhances the sense of freedom, softness, ease, groundedness, and connection. Afternoons challenge you to deepen your personal practice while connecting more meaningfully with others, both on and off the table. 

Day 1, Gravity and Levity
Explore and apply sensory presence, feel suspension, feel weight, find and facilitate freedom.

Day 2, Fascia and Fluids – Listening To The Liquid Body
Sustain curiosity, take out the slack, feel for fluidity, wash out the fascial sweater.

Register HERE

Price: $360.00

12 CEs

Class Dates:06/16/2023 , 06/17/2023

Time: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM PST


Seattle, Washington

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Mentastics With Groups
9:30 AM09:30

Mentastics With Groups

Mentastics with Groups

Instructor: Roger Tolle,

Language of Instruction: Deutsch und English

Date: 09.18.2022 — 9:30am-6:00pm

Location: Seeham, Austria

Class Description:

Whether you want to lead a small group of your clients in your home studio as a way to expand your practice, or present Trager’s elegant and potent principles to large groups at professional conferences, leading Mentastics groups can become a way to practice “Movement as a Way to Agelessness" for yourself. To gain confidence and effectiveness in leading Mentastics for a wide variety of groups, you'll not only need good training, but also lots of practice. This class will get you started.

In this one day workshop,

  • we’ll identify principles of Milton's work

  • explore processes that structure participants’ learning experience

  • brainstorm possible themes to focus on

  • develop strategies to help you get your intentions across

Then you’ll have the opportunity to lead a small group to get immediate and helpful feedback. By following clear feedback structures, you and your colleagues can identify both your strengths and your growing edges so you can chart your way forward.

Contact: Gertraud Neumayr,, +43 650 3903033

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Mentastics in Germany, Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer
to Mar 27

Mentastics in Germany, Saarbrücken mit Marita Melzer

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Mentastics

TRAINING DATES: 25.03.2022, 10:00 – 27.03.2022, 18:00

LOCATION: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, D-66130 Saarbrücken,

FACULTY: Marita Melzer, TI-Instruktorin und MENTASTICS-Teacher

Language of Instruction: German / Deutsch

NOTES: Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:
Inspirationen zu sammeln,
die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,
andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und
das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

Contact Info:

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

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Advanced Mentastics (Level 14)
to Jan 30

Advanced Mentastics (Level 14)

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Advanced Mentastics (Level 14): Deepening work with self, client and groups

January 27-30, 2022

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Roger Tolle

Lanugage of Instruction: Deutsch/Englisch

NOTES: Begins 10:00 am Thursday. Ends 3:00 pm Sunday

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

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to Dec 12



Judy Fasone, Columbus, Ohio


Italian Village Studio

326 W. Hubbard, 

Columbus, Oh, 43215




$450 due by 12/10/21

Deposit: $150 by Dec. 1, 2021

To register send checks payable to Judy Fasone

1330C Lake Shore Dr,

Columbus, Ohio, 43204

(PayPal and Venmo ok)

CEU’s available:

24 credits through NCBTMB.  

"Judy is an amazingly dynamic instructor and has lovely energy to work with."

Terry McIntyre, CA practitioner

In this class you will :

  • Expand your understanding of Mentastics for improved well-being. 

  • Notice and change pathways of resistance within ourselves and others.  

  • Learn new ways to inspire your clients and your own movement.  

  •  Learn how Mentastics will help you build your practice and improve relationships.

  • Develop group facilitation skills.

  • Complete a core curriculum class toward Trager Practitioner Certification

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to Sep 19


  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Mentastics 

TRAINING DATES: 17.09.2021 10:00 – 19.09.2021 18:00

D-91054 Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, Germany

FACULTY: Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

Language of Instruction: German

NOTES: Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

Inspirationen zu sammeln,
die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,
andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und
das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

Contact Info:

TVD Kursorganisation Ulrike Engel
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 8 89 40 00

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to Jul 15


  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Professional Training >> learning to move in hook-up, learning to share this state whit other
Beautiful natural surrounding

TRAINING DATES: July 12 - 15

Santa Cristina Gubbio PERUGIA ITALY

FACULTY:  Dante Marchini

Language of Instruction: italian / English

NOTES: learning to move in hook-up, learning to share this state whit other
Beautiful natural surrounding

Contact Info:

Dante Marchini +39 335 1996551
Christian Vascotto +39 347 3705322

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Advanced Mentastics
to Oct 25

Advanced Mentastics

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Advanced Mentastics

October 22 - 25, 2020

Kientalerhof, Switzerland

Faculty: Roger Tolle

Language of Instruction: German

NOTES: This class will be 4 days and 25 hours.

Contact Info:

Ruth Ernst and Gabriela Scholl-Läubli

+41 78 726 81 10

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to Sep 21


Course Info:

Professional Training >> Mentastics

11.09.2020, 10:00 – 21.09.2020, 18:00

Erlangen, Germany

Faculty: Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

Language of Instruction: German

NOTES: Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

Inspirationen zu sammeln,
die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,
andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und
das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

Contact Info:

TVD class organizer Ulrike Engel
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 8 89 40 00

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