Trager level 1 - Venice
to Apr 13

Trager level 1 - Venice

Dates: 4/5/6-11/12/13 of April 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Teacher: Luca Di Napoli

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

Location: Mulino Todori, Scorzè (Venice-Italy) - details about the address posted on

For any information and for application please contact:

Maria Pia D'Errico +39 3408747184

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Level V
to Apr 6

Level V

The developmental themes and questions of experienced Practitioners are the substance of this Level V class.  Based on a  brief pre-class interview with each participant, class members explore their individual learning themes through playful experiments in Mentastics, tablework and communication. supported by colleagues and by the profound simplicity of the principles of touch, movement and communication developed by Milton Trager.

Location: Destin, Florida, U.S.A.

Date: April 4-6, 2025

Instructor: Gail Stewart

Language: English

Contact: Julia Diehl,

Notes: This is a residential class for Practitioners who have completed a Level IV training.

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Level 1 Teil 1 in Bonn
to Apr 6

Level 1 Teil 1 in Bonn

Course Info:

Level I

04.04.2025 10:00 – 06.04.2025 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 07.02.2025
Kosten: 720 € für den gesamten Kurs + U/V + 110 € TVD Mitgliedsbeitrag
Ort: Seminarhaus Mensch und Natur, Gartenstraße 15, 57632 Flammersfeld

Petra Feldbinder, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktorin und Tutorin


NOTES: In diesem Kurs werden die Grundlagen der TRAGER Arbeit am Tisch und in MENTASTICS vermittelt. Die Studenten werden eingeführt in das Konzept und Gefühl von „Hook-up“, das Geben und Nehmen von Feedback. Die Fähigkeit der Selbsteinschätzung wird geübt und das Bewusstsein für den Gebrauch des eigenen Körpers beim Geben einer Sitzung wird geschult. Voraussetzung:

  • Volljährigkeit

  • Empfehlung durch einen TRAGER Praktiker oder Kursleiter nach

    • mindestens zwei erhaltenen Sitzungen von einem zertifizierten TRAGER Praktiker oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und einem besuchten Einführungs‐Workshop (Intro) oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden MENTASTICS Workshop oder

    • einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden TRAGER im Alltag-Kurs

  • Mitgliedschaft  in einem nationalen TRAGER Verband

Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs wird in zwei Teilen gehalten. Der zweite Teil findet vom 02.05. - 04.05.2025 statt.

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Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]
to Apr 13

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]

  • Google Calendar ICS

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement 

Dates: April 10-13, 2025

Location: Kokemäki Seurahuone in Kokemäki, Finland

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English with Finnish translation

Contact: Sirpa Jauhiainen,, +358 50 3380 226

 Notes: This 4-day, 24-hour class is open to everyone!

It serves as the Mentastics portion of the Trager Certification Training Program, and offers new students a rich introduction to the essential principles that underpin it.

Class Description:

This four-day workshop delves into the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach, inviting participants to experience the work’s guiding principles of softness, weight, waves, connection, play, pause, and authenticity. We explore how our felt sense of movement changes the potency of our touch. This workshop is for anyone interested in deepening their relationship with touch and movement, in personal or professional settings.

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.

He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.

Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.

This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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Level V: Spirals and Diagonals
to Apr 23

Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

Trager Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

April 21-23, 2025

Location: Seeham, Austria

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: Deutsch und Englisch

Contact: Gertraud Neumyer,, +49 176 39229489

 View the Introductory Video with German subtitles here:

Through my 40 years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.

In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, and springy vitality. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.

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Trager level 1 - Perugia
to Apr 27

Trager level 1 - Perugia

Dates: 22,23,24,25,26,27 of April 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: S. Cristina in Gubbio (Perugia-Italy)

Teacher: Dante Marchini

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Dante Marchini: +39 335 1996551

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Level III
to Apr 30

Level III

LOCATION Berkeley, California, U.S.A.

TRAINING DATES April 25-27, & 29-30, 2025, 9AM - 6PM

FACULTY Gail Stewart


NOTES: Note that this 5-day class has a one day break on Monday, April28.

CONTACT INFORMATION For information and to register , contact Gail Stewart, 1 510 837 7579,

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Trager Clinical Pracitce Training
to May 4

Trager Clinical Pracitce Training

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Trager Level V

Date: May 2 - 4 2025

Zurich, Switzerland

Faculty: Katriona Shawki

Co-Teachers: Peter Fankhauser, Tekeal Riley, Matthias von Rohr

Language of Instruction: English
Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Peter Fankhauser
+41 (0)79 7313896

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MENTASTICS in Erlangen
to May 4

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

Course Info:

MENTASTICS in Erlangen

02.05.2025 10:00 – 04.05.2025 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 21.02.2025
Kosten: 390 € + U/V; Frühbucherpreis 360 € bis 24.01.2025
Ort: Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, 91054 Erlangen

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33

Formular Kursanmeldung

Ob kurz oder schon lange dabei, ob als InteressentIn, StudentIn oder PraktikerIn….. Du bist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen um in 3 Tagen die Freude an MENTASTICS zu entdecken, sie wiederzufinden oder zu vertiefen:

  • Inspirationen zu sammeln,

  • die eigenen Bewegungen zu erforschen und zu genießen,

  • andere zum Fühlen anzuleiten und

  • das Erspürte im Alltag mühelos wieder abzurufen.

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Level 1 Teil 2 in Bonn
to May 4

Level 1 Teil 2 in Bonn

Course Info:

Level I Teil 2

02.05.2025 10:00 – 04.05.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 07.02.2025
Kosten: s. Informationen Level 1 - Teil 1
Ort: Seminarhaus Mensch und Natur, Gartenstraße 15, 57632 Flammersfeld

Petra Feldbinder

Petra Feldbinder
Tel: +49 (0) 22 24 - 96 88 85

Formular Kursanmeldung
siehe Infos zu Teil 1 des Kurses 

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Reflex Response I
to May 11

Reflex Response I

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Reflex Response I

Date: May 8 - 11, 2025

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Katriona Shawky

Language of Instruction: English
Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Booking a room:

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Level III, part 1 of 2
to May 11

Level III, part 1 of 2

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level III is in two parts (called Level 8 in Switzerland)

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Peter Fankhauser

Language of Instruction: German

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Elective - Trager & Feldenkrais - Venice
to May 11

Elective - Trager & Feldenkrais - Venice

Trager & Feldenkrais

Dates: 9/10/11 of May 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: Mulino Todori, Scorzè (Venezia-Italy)

Teacher: Luca Di Napoli

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397

Maria Pia D'Errico +39 3408747184

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Mentastics in the Netherlands
to May 18

Mentastics in the Netherlands

Mentastics Movement Training
(Click on the text and you will come to )

Date: May 16, 2025 09:30 AM - Sun May 18, 2025 6:00 PM

Location: Casa de Madera (in hotel Val Monte) (kaart). (Click on kaart on you will come to a map).

Mentastics is a way to move easily and feel your body more as it is in the here and now. This class is designed for Students in the Trager Professional Certification Training Program, and is also open to professionals and students in movement education, mindfulness, yoga and wellness training.

Teacher: Ann-Charlotte Fogel who is a longtime Mentastics Teacher and Trager Practitioner from Sweden and is trained by Dr Milton Trager.

Training Costs: € 610.00 without overnight stay, breakfast and dinner. Including lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack. Training Costs repeaters (if you want to repeat this module): € 305.00 without overnight stay and lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack.

Location: Berg en Dal and is located in the Fletcher Parkhotel Valmonte.

The training excludes: the book Trager Mentastics. You can order the book through Amazon or from your local Trager Association.

For more information contact: Evelien Kouwer:
Phone and WhatsApp: +31 6 27422338

More info also at  (click on agenda).

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„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser
to May 22

„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser

Fortbildung Wahl
21.05.2025 10:00 – 22.05.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 17.02.2025
Kosten: 300 € + U/V; Frühbucherpreis 250 € + U/V bis 06. Januar 2025
Ort: Schloss Bettenburg, Manau 22, 97461 Hofheim in Unterfranken

Peter Fankhauser, TRAGER Instruktor

Tanja Kannefass und Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 97 06 74

Anmeldeformular für Workshop, Weiterbildungstag und Mitgliederversammlung



In diesen zwei Tagen werden wir in die Prinzipien des Aikido eintauchen und erforschen, wie sich diese auf die TRAGER-Arbeit auswirken. Die Hauptthemen werden „das im eigenen Körper sein“ und „die körperliche Verbundenheit aus der eigenen Mitte“ sein. Daraus ergibt sich das Wirken mit Klient*innen.

Die Übungen basieren auf direktem Erleben und dem Verbinden mit dem bereits Vertrauten aus der TRAGER-Arbeit. Die Erfahrungen werden helfen unsere Bewegungsimpulse feiner, differenzierter, direkter und unmittelbarer wirken zu lassen.

Die Teilnehmer*innen arbeiten mit bereits Vertrautem wie Neugierde, offene Fragen, Feedback, Selbstwahrnehmung und fühlen.


• Die Fähigkeiten, vom „im eigenen Körper sein“ vertiefen

• Die Fähigkeit „aus der eigenen Mitte kommen“ vertiefen

• Die Weiterentwicklung der Wahrnehmung von „der eigenen inneren Verbundenheit“

• Effektiveres und subtileres Arbeiten mit Klient*innen

Weitere Informationen zu Peter Fankhauser aus der Schweiz findet Ihr unter

Anreisetag ist Dienstag, 20.05.2025, nachmittags bzw. zum Abendessen (ca. 18 Uhr)

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Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser
10:00 AM10:00

Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser

Course Info:

Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser

Fortbildung Wahl
23.05.2025 10:00 – 23.05.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 17.02.2025
Kosten: zusammen mit der Mitgliederversammlung am 24./25.05.2025 ist dieser Weiterbildungstag für Mitglieder des TVD kostenfrei, ansonsten: 125 € + U/V
Ort: Schloss Bettenburg, Manau 22, 97461 Hofheim in Unterfranken

Peter Fankhauser, TRAGER Instructor

Organisation TVD, Tanja Kannefass
Tel: +49 (0)9131 - 970674

Anmeldeformular für Workshop, Weiterbildungstag und Mitgliederversammlung

Wir werden erleben, wie unsere eigene innere Haltung auch schon ohne Berührung auf unser Gegenüber einwirkt.

Was macht das mit unserer TRAGER-Arbeit wenn wir hier tiefer hinschauen?


• Die Weiterentwicklung der Wahrnehmung von sich selbst und den Klient*innen

• Subtileres Wahrnehmen und dadurch effektiveres Arbeiten mit Klient*innen

Peter Fankhauser praktiziert seit 1991 intensiv Aikido und unterrichtet seit 2000. Er trägt den 5. Dan (Schwarzgurt). Ab 2007 begann er die subtileren Dimensionen im Aikido zu entdecken und zu erforschen. Als Folge davon kam im Jahr 2008 TRAGER in sein Leben, seit 2013 ist er Tutor und seit 2018 unterrichtet er TRAGER-Kurse. Das Eintauchen in die beiden Künste war und ist eine gegenseitige Bereicherung. Sie unterstützen und bereichern sich gegenseitig in einer sehr erfüllenden Art. Es macht ihm viel Freude diese Einsichten zu teilen. Weitere Informationen zu Peter Fankhauser findet Ihr unter

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Trager level 3 - Padova
to Jun 23

Trager level 3 - Padova

Trager level 3

Dates: 19,20,21,22,23 of June 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: Vigonza (Padova - Italy) — updated details about the address posted on

Teacher: Judy Fasone

Language: english - italian

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto 3494968397

Maria Pia D'Errico 3408747184

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Level III , Italy
to Jun 23

Level III , Italy

Join Judy Fasone, in Mestre, near Venice, for a continuation of your Trager training. All previous fieldwork must be completed. Assistants welcomed. This course will be taught in English with Italian translation.

Dates : 19,20,21,22,23 June 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Place/ Location:  Mestre (VE) - exact address to be defined

The workshop will be conducted by/ Teacher :   Judy Fasone

For any other information and for application please contact :

Mara Pagotto 3494968397

Maria Pia D'Errico 3408747184

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Level 4 in Weigenheim
to Jul 13

Level 4 in Weigenheim

  • Weigenheim Germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Level 4 in Weigenheim

Fortbildung Pflicht
10.07.2025 18:00 – 13.07.2025 15:00
Anmeldeschluss: 16.05.2025
Kosten: 390,- € + U/V (Frühbucherpreis bis 04.04.2025: 360,- €)
Ort: Seminarhaus Weigenheim, Kapellbergweg 17, 97215 Weigenheim,

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation: Ulrike Engel und Barbara Kloiber
Tel: 09131 - 8894000


Der Kurs ist eine Kombination aus Gesprächen, MENTASTICS und Tischarbeit, um die Präsenz, die Interaktion mit Klienten und die Effizienz der Arbeit zu verbessern. Er muss innerhalb der ersten 2 Jahre nach Erlangung des Praktikerstatus absolviert werden. Voraussetzung: Praktikerstatus

Anreise Donnerstag mit Abendsequenz

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Intro - Intro:  Trager Retreat - Panzano In Chianti
to Aug 14

Intro - Intro: Trager Retreat - Panzano In Chianti

Dates: 10/11/12/13/14 of August 2025

Location: Loc. Santa Lucia in Faulle, Panzano In Chianti (FI) -details about the address posted on

Teacher: Luca Di Napoli

Language: italian & english

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397

Donella Tassi +39 340 1479751

ATI secretariat +39 3714681851(only whatsapp)

Note: 3 hours classes in the morning, free time in the afternoon

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Mentastics - Perugia
to Aug 17

Mentastics - Perugia

Dates: 15/16/17 of August 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: S. Cristina in Gubbio (Perugia-Italy) - details about the address posted on

Teacher: Dante Marchini

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Dante Marchini:

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Level III, part 2 of 2
to Sep 7

Level III, part 2 of 2

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level III is in two parts (called Level 8 in Switzerland)

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Bill Scholl & Gabriela Scholl-Läubli

Language of Instruction: English & German

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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to Sep 14


  • Charlottesville, Virginia USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Training Dates: September 11-14, 2025 – 24 hrs

Instructor: Roger Tolle,  

Language: English

Class Description:

In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.

When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:

  • those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,

  • women in the later stages of pregnancy,

  • the frail elderly,

  • the emotionally distressed or traumatized,

  • those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.

As a bonus, participants who register at least a month in advance will receive the link to stream Roger’s video review “Sidelying in Practice” at the end of the weekend. 

Prerequisites: Trager Level 2, or permission from Instructor

To register, please contact

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Level 1 in the Netherlands
to Sep 25

Level 1 in the Netherlands

Level 1
(Click on the text and you will come to )

19th of Sep 2025 to 25th of Sep 2025.

Date: Part 1 September 19, 20, 21 and Part 2 September 23, 24, 25, 2025

Times: 1st day at 10:00 then 9:30. End of day approx. 18:00. There may be an evening activity.


De Esoterra Akademie
PC Staalweg 50 3721 TJ Bilthoven
Netherlands (kaart)  (Click on kaart an it will take you to a map).

Instructor: Jan Fogel (Who has been in Trager for more than 40 years and is trained by Milton Trager).

Training costs € 1,280.00 excl. overnight stay For whom: Everyone, also as a repeater of this level 1.

The following prices apply to this training subject to changes in location costs and a minimum of 6 participants for 2025.

Training Costs: € 1,280.00 without overnight stay and lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack.

Training Costs repeaters (if you want to repeat this module): € 640.00 without overnight stay and lunch, incl. coffee, tea and snack.

For more information contact:

Evelien Kouwer:
Phone and WhatsApp: +31 6 27422338
More info also at  (click on agenda).

This location is in Bilthoven. There are shops and restaurants in the area where you can buy lunch if you haven't brought anything yourself.

The training is CRKBO registered.

The training modules and introductory workshops are recognized by KTNO (affiliated members BATC, VNST, VBAG and LVNG) and VNT.

The training includes: - student membership VTAN until 2024 - the Trager manual - Roger Tolle's Trager® Level I Review DVD (1 hour 45 min run time, 9 chapters) which will be available as streaming afterwards and which you can watch online.

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Trager level 2 - Venice
to Oct 5

Trager level 2 - Venice

Dates: 26,27,28 of September 3/4/5 of October 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: Oasi Mulino Todori, Scorzè (Venice – Italy) - details about the address posted on

Teacher: Dante Marchini

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397

Maria Pia D’Errico +39 3408747184

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Trager Elective
to Oct 5

Trager Elective

Course Info:

October 2 - 5, 2025

Professional Training >> Relevant Science for the Art of Trager

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Eileen Dickensen

Language of Instruction: English

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Trager Anatomy 1 - Venice
to Nov 9

Trager Anatomy 1 - Venice

Dates: 7/8/9 of November 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: Mestre (Venice-Italy) - details about the address posted on

Teacher: Piermario Clara

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397

Maria Pia D'Errico +39 3408747184

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Level 1 Teil 1 in Erlangen
to Nov 9

Level 1 Teil 1 in Erlangen

  • 91054 Erlangen Germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Level I

07.11.2025 10:00 – 09.11.2025 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 12.09.2025
Kosten: 720 € für den gesamten Kurs + U/V + 110 € TVD Mitgliedsbeitrag
Ort: 91054 Erlangen, Loewenichstr. 35, Freiraum

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation: Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33


NOTES: In diesem Kurs werden die Grundlagen der TRAGER Arbeit am Tisch und in MENTASTICS vermittelt. Die Studenten werden eingeführt in das Konzept und Gefühl von „Hook-up“, das Geben und Nehmen von Feedback. Die Fähigkeit der Selbsteinschätzung wird geübt und das Bewusstsein für den Gebrauch des eigenen Körpers beim Geben einer Sitzung wird geschult.


  • Volljährigkeit

  • Empfehlung durch einen TRAGER Praktiker oder Kursleiter nach

    • mindestens zwei erhaltenen Sitzungen von einem zertifizierten TRAGER Praktiker oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und einem besuchten Einführungs‐Workshop (Intro) oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden MENTASTICS Workshop oder

    • einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden TRAGER im Alltag-Kurs

  • Mitgliedschaft  in einem nationalen TRAGER Verband

Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs wird in zwei Teilen gehalten. Der zweite Teil findet vom 14.11. - 16.11.2025 statt.

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Level 1 Teil 2 in Erlangen
to Nov 16

Level 1 Teil 2 in Erlangen

Course Info:

Level I

14.11.2025 10:00 – 16.11.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 12.09.2025
Kosten: s. Informationen Level 1 - Teil 1
Ort: 91054 Erlangen, Loewenichstr. 35, Freiraum

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation: Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33


NOTES: siehe Infos zu Teil 1 des Kurses

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Level 2 in the Netherlands
to Mar 23

Level 2 in the Netherlands

Level 2
(click on the text and you will come to )

Date: Part 1 from 14 to 16 March 2025 and part 21 to 23 March 2025

1st day at 10:00 then 9:30.
End of day approx. 18:00. There may be an evening activity.

Language: English

Location: Cultuur In de Kas 123 Voorthuizerstraat Putten, GE, 3881 SG Netherlands (kaart). Kaart is the location).

Training costs: € 1485.00 (for Repeaters € 855.00).

This is without overnight stay, incl. breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, tea and snacks.


For more information contact: Evelien Kouwer:
Phone and WhatsApp: +31 6 27422338
More info also at  (click on agenda).

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Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]
to Mar 16

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement

Dates: March 13-16, 2025

Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Cost: Regular Registration $660

Register here:


This 4-day class is open to everyone! 

It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026 in Maryland. For full program details see:

It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:

Thursday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Friday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Saturday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Sunday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers. 

The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.

Class Description:

This four-day workshop delves into the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach, inviting participants to experience the work’s guiding principles of softness, weight, waves, connection, play, pause, and authenticity. We explore how our felt sense of movement changes the potency of our touch. This workshop is for anyone interested in deepening their relationship with touch and movement, in personal or professional settings.

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.

He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.

Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.

This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]
to Mar 9

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement [Mentastics]

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement

Dates: March 6-9, 2025

Location: Mountain View Studio, Charlottesville, VA

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact: Wilfred Henry,

Cost: Regular Registration $600. Sliding scale available.

Register here:


This 4-day class is open to everyone! 

It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026 in Maryland. For full program details see:

It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:

Thursday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Friday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Saturday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Sunday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers. 

The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.

Class Description:

This four-day workshop delves into the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach, inviting participants to experience the work’s guiding principles of softness, weight, waves, connection, play, pause, and authenticity. We explore how our felt sense of movement changes the potency of our touch. This workshop is for anyone interested in deepening their relationship with touch and movement, in personal or professional settings.

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.

He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.

Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.

This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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Trager Professional Training: Level One
8:30 AM08:30

Trager Professional Training: Level One

Level 1 immerses you in the simple, potent principles of Trager Somatic Movement Education and Therapy. Through demonstration and practice, you'll learn a structure for practice sessions that train body and mind, and support profound change for both the giver and receiver. Prerequisites: Two sessions from a Certified Trager Practitioner, or a Trager workshop and at least one Trager session.

Judy is a creative force, and is weaving the importance of self-care and self healing into her core classes. He classes are fun and inspiring.

“ Clear and concise instruction without taking herself too seriously, and is open to feedback” Cheryl D., Level 1 student

“Judy is a born leader and has a lot of easy grace and generosity, she is FLOW!! Confident without cockiness!” Mary S. after Level 3.

Cost is $1250, includes student dues for 2 years.

Students may assist (with permission from instructor) any level you have already taken, or retake for half price.

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Level 1 Teil 2 in Erlangen
to Feb 16

Level 1 Teil 2 in Erlangen

Course Info:

Level I

14.02.2025 10:00 – 16.02.2025 16:00
Kosten: 720 € (für den gesamten Kurs) + U/V + 110 € TVD-Mitgliedsbeitrag
Ort: Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, 91054 Erlangen

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation: Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33


NOTES: siehe Infos zu Teil 1 des Kurses

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Level 1
to Feb 20

Level 1

LOCATION Berkeley, California, U.S.A.

TRAINING DATES Feb. 14-17 & 18-20, 2025, 9AM-6PM

FACULTY Gail Stewart

NOTES: Tuesday, Feb. 18 we have an opportunity to join the International Trager conference at 8:30 AM for the first 1 1/2 hours of class. Please note the early start time on that day.

Contact Information: For more information and to register for the class,, contact: Gail Stewart, 1 510 837 7579,

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Level 1 in Sweden
to Feb 19

Level 1 in Sweden

Dates: 14-19 of February 2025


Studio Fogel
Ängen 4
47197 Rönnäng
+46 (0)707-30 81 20
Use that number also with WhatsApp

Contact and info: or Phone / WhatsApp +46 (0)707-30 81 20.

Instructor: Jan Fogel

Language: English and Swedish.

Training fee: SEK 9.500 (ca Euro 775). Snacks and coffee/tea included.
This is without an overnight stay, incl. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Contact us for more information.

You may also visit and/or

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Level 1 Teil 1 in Erlangen
to Feb 2

Level 1 Teil 1 in Erlangen

  • 91054 Erlangen Germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Level I

31.01.2025 10:00 – 02.02.2025 16:00
Kosten: 720 € für den gesamten Kurs + U/V + 110 € TVD Mitgliedsbeitrag
Ort: 91054 Erlangen, Loewenichstr. 35, Freiraum

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation: Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 1 52 - 28 92 34 33


NOTES: In diesem Kurs werden die Grundlagen der TRAGER Arbeit am Tisch und in MENTASTICS vermittelt. Die Studenten werden eingeführt in das Konzept und Gefühl von „Hook-up“, das Geben und Nehmen von Feedback. Die Fähigkeit der Selbsteinschätzung wird geübt und das Bewusstsein für den Gebrauch des eigenen Körpers beim Geben einer Sitzung wird geschult. Voraussetzung:

  • Volljährigkeit

  • Empfehlung durch einen TRAGER Praktiker oder Kursleiter nach

    • mindestens zwei erhaltenen Sitzungen von einem zertifizierten TRAGER Praktiker oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und einem besuchten Einführungs‐Workshop (Intro) oder

    • mindestens einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden MENTASTICS Workshop oder

    • einer Sitzung und 6 Stunden TRAGER im Alltag-Kurs

  • Mitgliedschaft  in einem nationalen TRAGER Verband

Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs wird in zwei Teilen gehalten. Der zweite Teil findet vom 08.11. - 10.11.2024 statt.

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Mentastics: Somatic Explorations for Self-Care and Self-Healing with Judy Fasone
to Jan 27

Mentastics: Somatic Explorations for Self-Care and Self-Healing with Judy Fasone


Saturday, January 25, 2025 through Monday, January 27, 2025 9-6 $525 Open to all

Mentastics are the somatic movement foundations of the Trager Approach. They can be used in every aspect of our lives, in every day life. In this class, you will deepen your personal presence, touch, and movement patterns. For 3 days we will engage individually and in pairs, through integrated practice of somatic principles.

Together, we will:
Experience a fully embodied presence,
Find softness in yourself as you connect with others,
Discover the similarities of weight and weightlessness,
Learn self-care skills you can use immediately,
Spend time in small and large groups connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth,
Experience the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach
Practice sustainable skills to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Explore unconscious patterns when trauma, depression, and anxiety, are present.
Enrich both professional and personal relationships .

Contact: website http//


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Level V, Das im eigenen Körper Sein
to Jan 26

Level V, Das im eigenen Körper Sein

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

January 23 - January 26, 2025

Professional Training >> Level V

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Peter Fankhauser

Language of Instruction: German

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Anatomy II
to Jan 26

Anatomy II

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Anatomy II / Advanced (called Level 7 in Switzerland)

January 23 - 26, 2025

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Eva Maria Willach

Language of Instruction: German

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach
to Jan 12

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach: Mentastics


Dates: January 9-12, 2025

Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Contact:, (202) 686-7046

Cost: Regular Registration $660. Early Bird registration: $599. (Both include $100 deposit.)



This 4-day class is open to everyone!

It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026. For full program details see:

It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:

Thursday, January 9th - 10:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Friday, January 10th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Saturday, January 11th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30

Sunday, January 12th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-4:30


24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.

The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.


Class Description:

Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.


He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.


Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist and Trager Instructor Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.


This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:

  • Fully embodied presence

  • Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement

  • Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness

  • Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning

  • Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges

  • Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity

  • Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web

  • Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities

  • Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe

The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach

  • Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.

  • Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.

  • Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.

  • Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.

  • Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.

  • Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

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to Nov 24

Tutor Training Seminar

Training will be facilitated by Adele Landise:

Open to Tutor Trainees taking the training either for the first or second time. Tutor assistants are welcome.

Main language will be Italian. English translation will be available

Il seminario sarà condotta da Adele Landise:

Aperto a Allievi Tutor que lo fanno sia come prima o seconda volta.

Assistenti, que sono già Tutor , sono benvenuti. La lingua principale sarà l' italiano, una tradutione in inglese sarà disponibile.

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Anatomy 1 in Germany, Erlangen with Martin Heigl
to Nov 3

Anatomy 1 in Germany, Erlangen with Martin Heigl

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Anatomie und Physiologie 1 

01.11.2024 10:00 – 03.11.2024 16:00
Anmeldeschluss: 06.09.2024
Kosten: 390 €+ U/V; Frühbucherpreis bis 09.08.2024: 360 € +U/V
Ort: Erlangen, Freiraum, Loewenichstr. 35, 91054 Erlangen

Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives

TVD Kursorganisation Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 5 30 12 34

Formular Kursanmeldung

Dieser Kurs vermittelt das tiefe Verständnis der Inhalte von Level 1 – 3 und die Auswirkungen der TRAGER Prinzipien auf die Strukturen und Funktionen des Körpers auf der Körpervorderseite. Voraussetzung: Level 1 der TRAGER Ausbildung Die Unterkunft in Erlangen muss bitte selbst organisiert werden. Die Kursorganisation ist gerne bei der Zimmersuche behilflich.

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Level V, Advanced Mentastics
to Nov 3

Level V, Advanced Mentastics

Course Info:

October 31 - November 3, 2024

Professional Training >> Level V

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Dante Marchini, Italy

Language of Instruction: Italian

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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 Level II – Teil 2 in Saarbrücken
to Oct 27

Level II – Teil 2 in Saarbrücken

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level II

25.10.2024 10:00 – 27.10.2024 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 09.08.2024
Kosten: 780 € + U/V, Frühbucherpreis 720 € für den gesamten Kurs + U/V bis 28.06.2024
Ort: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, 66130 Saarbrücken

Marita Melzer, zertifizierte TRAGER Instruktorin und Lehrbeauftragte für MENTASTICS

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

Formular Kursanmeldung

Alle Informationen zu diesem Kurs s. Teil 1 Voraussetzung: Level 1 und Tutor-Empfehlung zum Level 2 Eine Unterkunft muss bitte selbst organisiert werden. Die Kursorganisation ist gerne bei der Zimmersuche behilflich. Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs wird in zwei Teilen gehalten: Teil 1: 04.-06.10.2024 Teil 2: 25.-27.10.2024 .

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Level 1.  Trager® Professional Certification Training
to Oct 24

Level 1. Trager® Professional Certification Training

Level 1 - "Breathe Life Back into Your Career and Limbs! The Trager® Approach Guarantees Youthful Zest & Business Boost, Diving Deep the first 6 Days!"

TRAINING DATES: Thursday, Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Oct. 19. TWO DAYS OFF: Oct. 22, 23, & 24, 2024

FACULTY: Fawn Christianson and Laura Lynn Giubardo


Imagine for yourself a professional and personal transformation. The golden Hawaiian sun warms your skin, and you're enveloped in an aura of renewed energy. The rhythmic sound of waves collides with your newfound vigor, passion, and clarity. With every session, you not only rejuvenate your client but yourself as well. A perfect blend of meditative peace and professional enthusiasm. 

The dream? To carry this passion and energy professionally into your seventh decade and beyond, serving with love, the Aloha spirit.

Professional training of the Trager Approach stimulates the brain's neuroplasticity, introduces new neural sensory information, and activates positive neuromuscular changes in clients. Cultivating curiosity with informed principles generates optimal functioning and easeful movement for our clients. Simultaneously, Trager supports the Practitioner’s own self-care which ensures career longevity and joyfulness.

Now, what could open for you with a level of application that allows you to go deeper with less effort, ensuring career longevity? 

We’re offering this training to bridge the gap with body, mind, and energy. You’ll learn to develop, transmit and share effortless mindfulness in action. Exploring within each person’s zone of freedom, meeting and identifying where resistance is held and expanding their sensory experience for easeful movement and functioning.

Laura Lynn and Fawn, with deep roots in Hawaii's Trager Approach, invite you to a transformative journey—a rare, six-day training, deeply immersed in the brilliance and lightness of Trager, waiting just around the corner…

Oh, the sweet kiss of the Hawaiian breeze and the warm embrace of the island sun – that's where the magic of the Trager Approach began for both Fawn Christianson and Laura Lynn Giubardo. Hawaii isn't just a tropical paradise; for them, it's the genesis of a transformative journey.

Can you imagine? Laura Lynn, amidst the delightful chaos of raising seven kids, passionately trained in the Trager Approach right there in Hawaii. Not just that, she was the force that introduced the wonders of this technique to the spa menus of the prestigious Four Seasons Hualalai and Mauna Lani Bay Hotel!

Then there's Fawn, whose Hawaiian story began on the lush island of Kauai. Destiny brought her to Dr. Trager's fold, and while life's twists pulled her to California, her heart remained tethered to Hawaii. Infusing Silicon Valley with the Aloha spirit became her mission. Eight times a year, she'd be soaking up Dr. Trager's wisdom, only to bring it back, like a cherished souvenir, to her loyal clientele.

The essence of Trager? It's like a sip of coconut water – refreshing, authentic, and oh-so-Hawaiian. The Aloha spirit isn't just a greeting; it’s a way of life. And both Laura Lynn and Fawn are committed to the integration of this spirit into their teachings.

Now, here's the real deal – the Level 1 Trager Approach training. Think of it as your golden ticket. Dive deep into the world of Trager, rejuvenate your work life, and kiss those pesky overuse injuries goodbye. Learn the art of working deeply yet lightly, harnessing your body mechanics in ways that feel oh-so-right. When you stand by that table, ready to give your session, you'll feel present, grounded, light, and fluid, all at once.

So, if you're itching for a game-changer, ride the wave and get ready to immerse yourself in six sun-soaked days of pure Trager magic. Dive in, and let's make some waves together!

Prerequisite: Initial phone or Zoom conversation with Fawn and/or Laura Lynn 

Class Registration: Contact Laura Lynn Giubardo at (808) 268-5294 

Venmo: LLMassage

Room Registration: Contact Fawn Christianson at (408) 887-5316.  Venmo: Fawn-Christianson

Location details: Residential home with extra bedrooms for some people. If you're interested in staying in residence during training, don't hesitate to get in touch with us, and we can give you more details.

Price: $1,550.00 with deposit of $500.00 due by Aug. 1, 2024.

Early Bird Special:

Save $250.00 with a deposit of $500.00 made by March 1, 2024 and pay the balance by May 1, 2023. 
Early Bird Special: Total class fee $1,300.00.

Payment accepted through Venmo: 

(LLMassage or Fawn-Christianson) 
Credit cards also accepted with a 3.5% processing fee


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Level 1 in SPAIN
to Oct 20

Level 1 in SPAIN

  • Google Calendar ICS

Location : San Sebastian SPAIN

Training dates : 11-12-13 and 18-19-20 October 2024

Faculty : Jean-Louis MARIE instructor

Language of instruction : French and Spanish translation

Informations : -i/

Contact : (+34)628 285 092 AMTE/ (+34) 677 986 106 Mar Lucena /

View Event →
 Level II – Teil 1 in Saarbrücken
to Oct 6

Level II – Teil 1 in Saarbrücken

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level II

04.10.2024 10:00 – 06.10.2024 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 09.08.2024
Kosten: 780 € + U/V, Frühbucherpreis 720 € für den gesamten Kurs + U/V bis 28.06.2024
Ort: GUANYIN Schule für Taijiquan, Qigong und Körperwahrnehmung, Saarbrückerstrasse 78, 66130 Saarbrücken

Marita Melzer, zertifizierte TRAGER Instruktorin und Lehrbeauftragte für MENTASTICS

TVD Kursorganisation Susanne Huth
Tel: +49 (0) 6 81 - 3 90 64 58

Formular Kursanmeldung

Dieser Kurs ist die Vertiefung und Weiterentwicklung der in Level 1 vermittelten Inhalte. Fragen und Probleme, die während der Übungsphase auftauchen werden besprochen. Voraussetzung: Level 1 und Tutor-Empfehlung zum Level 2 Eine Unterkunft muss bitte selbst organisiert werden. Die Kursorganisation ist gerne bei der Zimmersuche behilflich. Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs wird in zwei Teilen gehalten: Teil 1: 04.-06.10.2024 Teil 2: 25.-27.10.2024 .

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Level 5 The essence of Trager
to Sep 22

Level 5 The essence of Trager

By Luca di Napoli

It begins with the clarification about what happened when we are about 2/3 years old: the invention of an I. Which is well supported by the parents and the environment because almost everyone is living with this misunderstanding.

Then during the following life, we forget that that was a pure invention, and we begin to seriously believe it’s reality, with a tremendous effort.

Then comes the Trager part: feeling is the key to feel relaxation and the melting of the invention of the I. Then comes hook up which support this feeling towards endless freedom.

Then when this is happening minds are free from illusion and empty, what follows are empty hands which can pass this feeling to anyone they touch with feeling.

So, it is nothing new but more clear and essentially simple. For me the essence of what Milton was sharing.

I had seminars in Japan Very successful, you can ask Motoko in Osaka. Or Yoriko in Tokyo.

So it will be a spoken part with questions and experience with touch.

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Level 2
to Sep 19

Level 2

  • Kokemäen Seurahuone Finland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Kokemäen Seurahuone, in southwestern Finland in the area of Pori


September 14-19, 2024


George Gottlieb


Language of instruction English
Language of translation Finnish


Contact: class organizer Sirpa Jauhiainen,
tel: +358 50 3380 226

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Sidelying and Alternative Positions
to Sep 15

Sidelying and Alternative Positions

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

September 12 - 15, 2024

Professional Training >> Sidelying

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Bill & Gabriela Scholl

Language of Instruction: English & German

Language of Translation: German & English

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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Level II, part 1 of 2
to Sep 1

Level II, part 1 of 2

Course Info:

August 29 - September 1, 2024

Professional Training >> Level II, Part 1 of 2

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Bill & Gabriela Scholl

Language of Instruction: English & German

Language of Translation: German & English

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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