Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying
Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying
Friday, April 21, 2023 - Sunday, April 23, 2023
Location: NL - De Amberij, Wijster (Drenthe)
Costs: 698 € (incl food and sleeping) in Seminarhaus Holten
Instruktor: Martin Heigl, http://www.trager-erlangen.de
Language: english
Contact: jessiekuipers@jessiekuipers.com
TRAGER alternative in sitting (1 day) and side-lying (2 days) with Martin Heigl
I am teaching Betty Fullers original side-lying and alternative since 2002 with great joy in it´s pure version. Over the years the class has been nourished by some additional helpful explorations, anatomical, mentastics and deepening hookup exercises.
The side-lying repertoire is for clients, who cannot be prone (on their belly) or even have difficulties on their back (elder people, pregnants, or people in crisis, who need this save embrional positioning).
The side-lying can deepen the understanding of the inner wave movement, or help to loosen up a tablework repertoire, that has become rigid over the years.
The alternative part gives you enough repertoire and enables you, to work effectful with clients in chairs (if no table is available or the person is in a wheelchair), in order to transport the light and free Trager feeling.