
Filtering by: Elective
Elective - Trager & Feldenkrais - Venice
to May 11

Elective - Trager & Feldenkrais - Venice

Trager & Feldenkrais

Dates: 9/10/11 of May 2025 - 9.30-18.00

Location: Mulino Todori, Scorzè (Venezia-Italy)

Teacher: Luca Di Napoli

Language: italian (if translation is needed ask to the organizer)

For any information and for application please contact:

Mara Pagotto +39 3494968397 marapagotto@alice.it

Maria Pia D'Errico +39 3408747184 mariapiaderrico57@gmail.com

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„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser
to May 22

„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

„Aikido Prinzipien und TRAGER“- Workshop mit Peter Fankhauser

Fortbildung Wahl
21.05.2025 10:00 – 22.05.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 17.02.2025
Kosten: 300 € + U/V; Frühbucherpreis 250 € + U/V bis 06. Januar 2025
Ort: Schloss Bettenburg, Manau 22, 97461 Hofheim in Unterfranken

Peter Fankhauser, TRAGER Instruktor

Tanja Kannefass und Barbara Kloiber
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 97 06 74

Anmeldeformular für Workshop, Weiterbildungstag und Mitgliederversammlung



In diesen zwei Tagen werden wir in die Prinzipien des Aikido eintauchen und erforschen, wie sich diese auf die TRAGER-Arbeit auswirken. Die Hauptthemen werden „das im eigenen Körper sein“ und „die körperliche Verbundenheit aus der eigenen Mitte“ sein. Daraus ergibt sich das Wirken mit Klient*innen.

Die Übungen basieren auf direktem Erleben und dem Verbinden mit dem bereits Vertrauten aus der TRAGER-Arbeit. Die Erfahrungen werden helfen unsere Bewegungsimpulse feiner, differenzierter, direkter und unmittelbarer wirken zu lassen.

Die Teilnehmer*innen arbeiten mit bereits Vertrautem wie Neugierde, offene Fragen, Feedback, Selbstwahrnehmung und fühlen.


• Die Fähigkeiten, vom „im eigenen Körper sein“ vertiefen

• Die Fähigkeit „aus der eigenen Mitte kommen“ vertiefen

• Die Weiterentwicklung der Wahrnehmung von „der eigenen inneren Verbundenheit“

• Effektiveres und subtileres Arbeiten mit Klient*innen

Weitere Informationen zu Peter Fankhauser aus der Schweiz findet Ihr unter www.trager-praxis.ch

Anreisetag ist Dienstag, 20.05.2025, nachmittags bzw. zum Abendessen (ca. 18 Uhr)

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Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser
10:00 AM10:00

Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser

Course Info:

Weiterbildungstag des TVD „Wie meine eigene Haltung wirkt“ mit Peter Fankhauser

Fortbildung Wahl
23.05.2025 10:00 – 23.05.2025 18:00
Anmeldeschluss: 17.02.2025
Kosten: zusammen mit der Mitgliederversammlung am 24./25.05.2025 ist dieser Weiterbildungstag für Mitglieder des TVD kostenfrei, ansonsten: 125 € + U/V
Ort: Schloss Bettenburg, Manau 22, 97461 Hofheim in Unterfranken

Peter Fankhauser, TRAGER Instructor

Organisation TVD, Tanja Kannefass
Tel: +49 (0)9131 - 970674

Anmeldeformular für Workshop, Weiterbildungstag und Mitgliederversammlung

Wir werden erleben, wie unsere eigene innere Haltung auch schon ohne Berührung auf unser Gegenüber einwirkt.

Was macht das mit unserer TRAGER-Arbeit wenn wir hier tiefer hinschauen?


• Die Weiterentwicklung der Wahrnehmung von sich selbst und den Klient*innen

• Subtileres Wahrnehmen und dadurch effektiveres Arbeiten mit Klient*innen

Peter Fankhauser praktiziert seit 1991 intensiv Aikido und unterrichtet seit 2000. Er trägt den 5. Dan (Schwarzgurt). Ab 2007 begann er die subtileren Dimensionen im Aikido zu entdecken und zu erforschen. Als Folge davon kam im Jahr 2008 TRAGER in sein Leben, seit 2013 ist er Tutor und seit 2018 unterrichtet er TRAGER-Kurse. Das Eintauchen in die beiden Künste war und ist eine gegenseitige Bereicherung. Sie unterstützen und bereichern sich gegenseitig in einer sehr erfüllenden Art. Es macht ihm viel Freude diese Einsichten zu teilen. Weitere Informationen zu Peter Fankhauser findet Ihr unter www.trager-praxis.ch

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to Sep 14


  • Charlottesville, Virginia USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Training Dates: September 11-14, 2025 – 24 hrs

Instructor: Roger Tolle, http://www.RogerTolle.com  

Language: English

Class Description:

In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.

When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:

  • those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,

  • women in the later stages of pregnancy,

  • the frail elderly,

  • the emotionally distressed or traumatized,

  • those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.

As a bonus, participants who register at least a month in advance will receive the link to stream Roger’s video review “Sidelying in Practice” at the end of the weekend. 

Prerequisites: Trager Level 2, or permission from Instructor

To register, please contact Wilfred.trager@gmail.com

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Trager Elective
to Oct 5

Trager Elective

Course Info:

October 2 - 5, 2025

Professional Training >> Relevant Science for the Art of Trager

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Eileen Dickensen

Language of Instruction: English

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Lymphatic Awareness, A Trager Perspective
to Apr 7

Lymphatic Awareness, A Trager Perspective

Lymphatic Awareness, a Trager® Perspective

3.5-day ‘Elective’


Open to: Post Level-1 Trager® Students and Practitioners

Dates: April (TBA), 20224 Nazareth, Kentucky

Elective Teacher: Roger Hughes, Trager Practitioner and Instructor

Registration and Payment must be completed by March 1st, 2024

Tuition: $400, $450 after March 10th, 2024

Organizer: Elisabeth Contadino, 513-470-5210,  econtadino@gmail.com


Expanded from the initial 1-day ‘pilot’ workshop presented in October of 2022, in Nazareth, Kentucky, this class will give you a practical understanding and hands-on application toward meeting and supporting the lymphatic network both as a self-care practice and in the collaboration of a session with a practice partner or client.

In this newly developed 3-day Elective class, we will open each morning with guided movement explorations for arriving and priming a feeling of ease, receptivity and open-focus with the vastness of the lymph system. From this dynamic awareness we will follow the course of lymph from its ‘ending’ confluence into the circulatory system (at the termini) to the ‘pre-lymphatic’ vessels where lymph begins its long journey.

With a partner in supine, prone and sidelying positions the class will provide a variety of access to a hands-on guided tour of the lymph system’s far-reaching pathways and specific directions of flow. With an informing touch, a collaborative presence and a sensitive (and sensing) intention, attendees will discover and deepen their clinical applications for supporting the lymph system, and thereby taming an overactive inflammatory response.   This class is designed to give you a structured and intuitive approach in addressing areas of congestion, swelling, edema, puffiness, etc. 

Learning outcomes will include both ‘active’ and ‘passive’ Trager approaches to support and facilitate optimal lymph flow through areas of the body that ‘typically’ carry patterns of tension, congestion and/or unconscious holding.  

We will be working primarily (not exclusively) with the superficial lymphatics, or those that sit right underneath the skin’s surface. For a skin-to-skin contact and for optimal outcomes and learning, attendees will be encouraged to receive while partially clothed and draped.

Attendees will receive a handbook that highlights practical and basic lymphatic physiology.

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to Dec 10


December 7-10, 2023

Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD

Registration deadline: Nov 24, 2023

Instructor: Gail Stewart

Language: English

Contact: Shannon Cannady, workshops@pmti.org  (202) 686-7046

Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: www.PMTI.org  

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Trager Elective
to Nov 26

Trager Elective

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

November 23 - 26, 2023

Professional Training >> Relevant Science for the Art of Trager

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Eileen Dickensen

Language of Instruction: English

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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to Jun 15


  • Google Calendar ICS


In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We’ll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout. Prerequisite: Level 1 and Mentastics (June 16-17th, or previous).
When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:

  • those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,

  • women in the later stages of pregnancy,

  • the frail elderly,

  • the emotionally distressed or traumatized,

  • those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.

Register HERE

Price: $345.00

15 CEs

Class Dates:06/13/2023 , 06/14/2023 , 06/15/2023

Time: 10:00 AM-3:30 PM PST


Seattle, Washington

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Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying
to Apr 23

Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying

Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying

Friday, April 21, 2023 - Sunday, April 23, 2023

Location: NL - De Amberij, Wijster (Drenthe)

Costs: 698 € (incl food and sleeping) in Seminarhaus Holten

Instruktor: Martin Heigl, http://www.trager-erlangen.de

Language: english

Contact: jessiekuipers@jessiekuipers.com

TRAGER alternative in sitting (1 day) and side-lying (2 days) with Martin Heigl

I am teaching Betty Fullers original side-lying and alternative since 2002 with great joy in it´s pure version. Over the years the class has been nourished by some additional helpful explorations, anatomical, mentastics and deepening hookup exercises.

The side-lying repertoire is for clients, who cannot be prone (on their belly) or even have difficulties on their back (elder people, pregnants, or people in crisis, who need this save embrional positioning).

The side-lying can deepen the understanding of the inner wave movement, or help to loosen up a tablework repertoire, that has become rigid over the years.

The alternative part gives you enough repertoire and enables you, to work effectful with clients in chairs (if no table is available or the person is in a wheelchair), in order to transport the light and free Trager feeling.

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Elective:  Seeing the Body
to Oct 9

Elective: Seeing the Body

 LOCATION:  Nazareth, Kentucky, U.S.A.

 TRAINING DATES: October 7 - October 9, 2022

FACULTY: Gail Stewart, Trager Instructor


 NOTES:  In this class we view ourselves from the movement model of Milton Trager, the somatotyping model of William Sheldon, the structural models of Rolf and Mezieres, and the developmental model of Wilhelm Reich – and apply each of these ways of “seeing” to our table work and movement.  The class is residential, at the beautiful Nazareth Retreat Center in Nazareth, Ky.  Please contact Elisabeth Contadino for more information, lodging and registration.

CONTACT: Elisabeth Contadino, econtadino@gmail.com , 1- 513-470-5210, 5643 Glenview Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45224




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Lymphatic Awareness, A Trager Perspective - "Pilot" class
9:00 AM09:00

Lymphatic Awareness, A Trager Perspective - "Pilot" class

Faculty Name: Roger Hughes.

Contact Name: Elisabeth Contadino

Contact Email: econtadino@gmail.com or 513-470-5210

8 CE hours - pending NCBTMB approval

Tuition: Free

Language of Instruction: English

Room and board please contact contacting Elisabeth Contadino.

About this workshop:

This 1-day workshop is a ‘pilot’ class that will bring focus ‘in how’ and to the effects Trager has on the lymph system. This presentation and content of this class is the first step in the development of a 3-day ‘elective’ class.

Movement fuels the flow and function of the lymph system. As Trager practitioners we are highly attuned with how touch and natural movement informs the body and its many systems. The lymph system is comprised of a vast network of vessels, nodes and ducts that together orchestrate the movement of the so-called ‘lymph-obligatory load’. Substances including proteins, long-chain molecular fats, immobile cells, cellular debris, waste products, bacteria, viruses, excess water and inorganic materials. The external forces of our muscular movement (daily movement) and the internal rhythmic ‘bellows’ action of our breathing together create a systematic tide and flow of lymph. Like other systems in the body, the lymph system is at the mercy of tension, illness, trauma and worry, impeding the natural movement of lymph. With our keen Trager sense of touch, our intention and escorted within the spaciousness of ‘hook-up’ we will bring a little added emphasis to areas that are typically challenging for the lymphatics, particularly as this relates to tension, worry, compensatory patterns and pain. All teachings in this workshop will be Trager-based practices ‘at the table’ and in ‘active movement’.

Class will be held at Nazareth Retreat Center. Participants may make arrangements for room

Open to ‘current’ Trager Students and Practitioners

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to Sep 17



Instructor: Roger Tolle, www.RogerTolle.com

Language of Instruction: Deutsch und English

Date: 09.16.2022 — 09.17.2022

Location: Seeham, Austria

Class Description:

In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.

When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:

  • those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,

  • women in the later stages of pregnancy,

  • the frail elderly,

  • the emotionally distressed or traumatized,

  • those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.

To provide support for receivers, please bring two full size bed pillows and two smaller pillows with you to class, as well as sheets for yourself when receiving.

As a bonus, participants who register at least a month in advance will receive the link to stream Roger’s video review “Sidelying in Practice” at the end of the weekend.

Contact: Gertraud Neumayr, gertraud.neumayr@sbg.at, +43 650 3903033

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Clinical Assessment and Springy Vitality
to Jul 24

Clinical Assessment and Springy Vitality

  • Google Calendar ICS

July 22-24, 2022

Potomac Massage Training Institute, Silver Spring, MD

Contact: workshops@PMTI.org, ‭(202) 686-7046‬

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Prerequisites: Completion of Level III training, or Trager Practitioner status

Class Fee: $525

This workshop addresses two vital parts of Trager that go beyond safety and relaxation. More precise clinical assessment helps you can see with Somatic Movement Therapy eyes and assess your client’s movement for what work will be most meaningful for them in both the short term and the long term. And a focus on increasing tissue aliveness and imparting a felt sense of “springy vitality” in the clients who really need it (and most need it somewhere) – starting, of course, with learning to develop a balanced and energized tone in our own bodies from which to work. What could it feel like with more spring in attitude, more tone in tissue, more integration in structure, and more youthful aliveness in movement? How do we cultivate these qualities in our self-preparation time, in our interview process, in our table time, and in the way we integrate the session into life patterns? What happens when, after establishing sufficient safety, trust and relaxation, we focus the session on the feeling of agelessness?


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Elective: Opening the Heart
to Apr 10

Elective: Opening the Heart

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Elective: Opening the Heart

Ruinen, Nederland

April 8-10, 2022

Faculty: Roger Tolle

Language of Instruction: Language of Instruction: English
German or Dutch translation as needed

Contact Info:

Sofie Meijer - Rebalancing School voor Lichaamswerk & Bewustzijn
06-83778683 | sofie@rebalancing.nl | www.rebalancing.nl

In this Opening the Heart workshop we engage in pleasurable, playful and profound movement explorations grounded in the principles of Trager Mentastics. Supported by a rich selection of music, and with images from physical anatomy and the body's subtle energy centers, we seek to deepen our relationship to ourselves and our partners -- body, mind and spirit. The hands-on portions of the workshops further develop the themes begun in our personal explorations, and provide inspiration for deepening our professional practices.

Each day begins with 1-2 hours of uninterrupted movement accompanied by recorded music and guided entirely by questions. Each day ends with a trade of a 30-60 minute tablework exploration. In the middle, one or more themes (groundedness, fluidity, compassionate listening, etc.) are developed through demonstration, solo and partner Mentastics explorations, and group discussion.

Throughout the weekend, we employ movement, sound, visualization and group support to open our Hearts and the associated subtle energies of compassion, healing and sense of oneness (Hook-up). We explore how and why our professional lives put extra demands on the Heart and how to avoid the "bodyworker's hunch". And we practice skills of compassionate listening, kinesthetic observation, and non-invasive touching.

Class Objectives

  • To learn how to release tension, reduce stress, and build balanced support in the upper body.

  • To palpate and assist freer movement and fuller awareness in a partner's hands, arms, shoulders, and ribs.

  • To sense breath, space, ease, elasticity, elongation, and freedom of movement in themselves, and in a supine partner.

  • To develop feeling connection to partners through kinesthetic observation, compassionate listening, and non-invasive touch.

  • To discover personal movement/awareness truths through open exploration.

  • To gain a basic understanding of the principles of Trager Somatic Movement Therapy.

  • To explore how these movement principles bring new depth and lightness to a bodywork practice.

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to Nov 7


Sidelying (Level IC)

Location, PMTI, 8701 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD, USA

Date and Time: Nov 5-7, 2021, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Faculty: Roger Tolle, Trager Instructor, Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist, www.RogerTolle.com

Language: English

Notes: This class focuses on reviewing and expanding material presented in earlier levels of the core curriculum. Through deeper engagement with Trager somatic movement and manual therapy principles, the class will explore movement potentials for the client while receiving the session in a supported Sidelying position. We will identify common uses in clinical practice, review neuro-myo-fascial anatomy for each area we touch and move, build understanding of when this position is indicated and what precautions may be necessary, how to increase Client emotional and relational safety, keep clear Client/Practitioner boundaries, and deepen Hook-up. Participants are also encouraged to expand their own vocabulary of freer and easier movement through a deeper listening to the tissue. Tuition $525. Prerequisite includes attendance at a Level 1 Training and membership in the USTA. 

Contact: Elissa Webber, workshops@pmti.org, 202-686-7046


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Elective: Learning from Jack Blackburn *CLASS FULL*
to Sep 12

Elective: Learning from Jack Blackburn *CLASS FULL*

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Learning from Jack Blackburn (called Level 15 in Switzerland)

September 9 - 12, 2021

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Jack Blackburn

Language of Instruction: English
Language of Translation: German

Notes: *Class is now full*. For more information click here.

Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Maya von Klass
+41 33 676 76 21

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Elective - Neurologie
to May 15

Elective - Neurologie

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Pilot Elective - Neue Erkenntnisse in der Neurologie und deren Bezug auf die TRAGER Arbeit

May 13-15, 2020

Seminarhotel Odenwald, Germany

Faculty: Marianne van Kan

Language of Instruction: Deutsch

Language of Translation: English

Contact Info:

Marita Melzer

+49(0)7664-4265, or




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