Conference 2021 - Panelists — Trager International

Education Conference 2021

Theme of our events

“Branching out from our Roots”


Milton’s videoclips discussed by 4 Instructors

In this second part of the online Education Conference series, we go directly back to the source and present several short clips taken from the videos of Milton Trager teaching back in the 1980’s. Selected to provide inspiration along several thematic directions, they will be shown during this live event, subtitled in various languages.

This second event has a fee of 30 USD. 

  • If you already have a password, go directly to the video below.

  • To purchase and receive the password please click the image of the instructors below to register and pay. This will take you to another page with a button that says “CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE”. Upon clicking that button, a form will appear for you to fill out and then the “ADD TO CART” button that you must click. In order to go to your cart and finish the sale, you must scroll back up to the top right of the page, find the “CART” button and click on it. Once you’ve completed the sale, you will receive an automatic email with the password. When you receive it, come back to this page to view the video. If you have any questions about this process or have any difficulties, please email Fernando at

Enter password below to view the video.

Click on the button 'cc' (in the video) to select English subtitles. The videoclips of Milton, shown during the event, have been subtitled in various languages, which you can choose before starting your viewing.’

Please contact the Education Secretary, Joan Muller, for more information:

Please understand that these recordings are not to be copied in any way. Thank you. By viewing the video, you agree to this principle. 


Banner video © Denis Lafontaine and Pierre Brault