Faculty Name: Roger Hughes.
Contact Name: Elisabeth Contadino
Contact Email: econtadino@gmail.com or 513-470-5210
8 CE hours - pending NCBTMB approval
Tuition: Free
Language of Instruction: English
Room and board please contact contacting Elisabeth Contadino.
About this workshop:
This 1-day workshop is a ‘pilot’ class that will bring focus ‘in how’ and to the effects Trager has on the lymph system. This presentation and content of this class is the first step in the development of a 3-day ‘elective’ class.
Movement fuels the flow and function of the lymph system. As Trager practitioners we are highly attuned with how touch and natural movement informs the body and its many systems. The lymph system is comprised of a vast network of vessels, nodes and ducts that together orchestrate the movement of the so-called ‘lymph-obligatory load’. Substances including proteins, long-chain molecular fats, immobile cells, cellular debris, waste products, bacteria, viruses, excess water and inorganic materials. The external forces of our muscular movement (daily movement) and the internal rhythmic ‘bellows’ action of our breathing together create a systematic tide and flow of lymph. Like other systems in the body, the lymph system is at the mercy of tension, illness, trauma and worry, impeding the natural movement of lymph. With our keen Trager sense of touch, our intention and escorted within the spaciousness of ‘hook-up’ we will bring a little added emphasis to areas that are typically challenging for the lymphatics, particularly as this relates to tension, worry, compensatory patterns and pain. All teachings in this workshop will be Trager-based practices ‘at the table’ and in ‘active movement’.
Class will be held at Nazareth Retreat Center. Participants may make arrangements for room
Open to ‘current’ Trager Students and Practitioners