Martin Heigl

Born 1959 and grown up in Munich/ Bavaria, I spent my schooling time there, until studies of anthropology and indology brought me to yoga and india. I strongly realized, that I have to do something with my hands and learned physical therapy in the medical field of massage in Munich. In this school in 1988, Siegrit Salkowitz " touched" me in a demo for the massage students and the Trager wave really reached me- and ever since never stopped.

I took the first Level 1 in Germany and started to assist all the trainings possible. Therefore I had the chance over the early years to get to know, all the first lineage of instructors, including Betty Fuller and Milton. Becoming practitioner 91, co-founding the German association, tutor in 95 and instructor for all levels and anatomy in 2000, allowed me to grow close together with the international and national community. Since 2015 I live in Erlangen and work together with my partner Ulrike in our med. practice and teach trainings,

That way, I have the joyful opportunity, to pass on to students and clients, what my teachers handed over to me and what I developed further from their gifts.

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