Level V

Filtering by: Level V
Level V
to Apr 6

Level V

The developmental themes and questions of experienced Practitioners are the substance of this Level V class.  Based on a  brief pre-class interview with each participant, class members explore their individual learning themes through playful experiments in Mentastics, tablework and communication. supported by colleagues and by the profound simplicity of the principles of touch, movement and communication developed by Milton Trager.

Location: Destin, Florida, U.S.A.

Date: April 4-6, 2025

Instructor: Gail Stewart

Language: English

Contact: Julia Diehl, strengthnm@mindspring.com

Notes: This is a residential class for Practitioners who have completed a Level IV training.

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Level V: Spirals and Diagonals
to Apr 23

Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

Trager Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

April 21-23, 2025

Location: Seeham, Austria

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: Deutsch und Englisch

Contact: Gertraud Neumyer, gertraud.neumayr@sbg.at, +49 176 39229489

 View the Introductory Video with German subtitles here: https://vimeo.com/917993153.

Through my 40 years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.

In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, and springy vitality. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.

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Trager Clinical Pracitce Training
to May 4

Trager Clinical Pracitce Training

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Trager Level V

Date: May 2 - 4 2025

Zurich, Switzerland

Faculty: Katriona Shawki

Co-Teachers: Peter Fankhauser, Tekeal Riley, Matthias von Rohr

Language of Instruction: English
Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here

NOTES: There is a 20% discount for 'non-Swiss’

Contact Info:

Peter Fankhauser
+41 (0)79 7313896

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Level V, Das im eigenen Körper Sein
to Jan 26

Level V, Das im eigenen Körper Sein

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

January 23 - January 26, 2025

Professional Training >> Level V

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Peter Fankhauser

Language of Instruction: German

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Lilly Galic
+41 33 676 76 21

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Level V, Advanced Mentastics
to Nov 3

Level V, Advanced Mentastics

Course Info:

October 31 - November 3, 2024

Professional Training >> Level V

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Dante Marchini, Italy

Language of Instruction: Italian

Language of Translation: German

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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Level 5 The essence of Trager
to Sep 22

Level 5 The essence of Trager

By Luca di Napoli

It begins with the clarification about what happened when we are about 2/3 years old: the invention of an I. Which is well supported by the parents and the environment because almost everyone is living with this misunderstanding.

Then during the following life, we forget that that was a pure invention, and we begin to seriously believe it’s reality, with a tremendous effort.

Then comes the Trager part: feeling is the key to feel relaxation and the melting of the invention of the I. Then comes hook up which support this feeling towards endless freedom.

Then when this is happening minds are free from illusion and empty, what follows are empty hands which can pass this feeling to anyone they touch with feeling.

So, it is nothing new but more clear and essentially simple. For me the essence of what Milton was sharing.

I had seminars in Japan Very successful, you can ask Motoko in Osaka. Or Yoriko in Tokyo.

So it will be a spoken part with questions and experience with touch.

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Level V, The Heart of the Matter
to Jan 28

Level V, The Heart of the Matter

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

January 25 - 28, 2024

Professional Training >> Level V

Kiental, Switzerland

Faculty: Roger Tolle

Language of Instruction: German

Download class descriptions here:


Contact Info:

Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 (0)78 726 81 10

Book a room at:

Elsa Sousa
+41 33 676 76 21

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Level V:  To *S*E*E Differently: Creating Safe, Engaging and Enriched Bodywork Sessions
to May 7

Level V: To *S*E*E Differently: Creating Safe, Engaging and Enriched Bodywork Sessions


COURSE TITLE: To *S*E*E Differently: Creating Safe, Engaging, and Enriched Bodywork Sessions

LOCATION: North Miami, FL, USA

TRAINING DATES: May 5-7, 2023

FACULTY: Kathryn Hansman-Spice


CONTACT: Jill Winter Rose


  305 439-3682

NOTES: Low cost residential housing may be available.

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Level V
to Jan 28

Level V

  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level V / Trager and Pathology

Kientalerhof, Switzerland

Faculty: Jean-Louis Marie

Language of Instruction: French

Language of Translation: German

Contact Info:

Ruth Ernst and Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 78 726 81 10

Kientelerhof room booking


Objectifs du stage :

-        Acquérir une compréhension approfondie des differentes pathologies

-        Contribuer à l’amélioration des états pathologiques par le mouvement et le toucher Trager

-        Adapter le répertoire Trager selon les pathologies rencontrées

-        Nuancer la notion de „contre-indications“

-        Permettre plus de pertinence avec les professionnels du monde médical

Déroulé du stage :

-        20 heures d’enseignement, alternance théorie/pratique (Mentastics et travail sur table)

-        Ajustement du contenu du cours selon les besoins des participants

-        Powerpoint support d’enseignement

Contenu du stage :

Les grands syndromes (inflammation, immunité, douleur…)Neurologie (Parkinson, maladies neuro-dégénératives…)Pathologies cardio vasculaires, respiratoires, Système musculo tendineux et articulaire, Cancérologie, Spécificités propres (personnes agées, femmes enceintes, fin de vie, soins palliatifs)


Jean-Louis Marie

Après avoir terminé ses études de médecine en 1978 (spécialité pédiatrie et médecine du sport), Jean-Louis est devenu praticien Trager en 1985. Pendant 13 ans, il a pratiqué le Trager dans le service de gériatrie de l'hôpital de La Rochelle (F). Après sa deuxième rencontre avec le Dr Milton Trager, il a obtenu le statut de tuteur Trager en 1993. Il a été ensuite nommé enseignant Mentastics et instructeur Trager. En 1997, il a rédigé un rapport sur le toucher chez les personnes âgées en même temps qu’il se spécialisait en gériatrie. En 2005, il complète sa formation en neuropsychologie. En 2006, il a conçu le cours optionnel Trager : « Explorer et comprendre la peau » et en 2016 celui de « Trager et Pathologies ».


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Spirals and Diagonals
to Nov 4

Spirals and Diagonals


Location: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (on the beach near Cancun)

Training Dates: November 2-4, 2022

(Come a few days before, stay a few days after, to enjoy a beach vacation.)

Instructor: Roger Tolle, http://www.RogerTolle.com   

Language: English

(French, Spanish or German translation if needed.)

Class Fee: $450 if paid by September 1, 2022, or $550 thereafter.

Contact: for registration, and for housing in nearby rooms, casitas and apartments

Martina Stamand 

+52- 998-213-4595, martinasoasis@hotmail.com, http://www.martinasoasis.com

Class Description

Through my many years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work. 

In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, connection and expansion. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners. 

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Clinical Assessment and Springy Vitality
to Jul 24

Clinical Assessment and Springy Vitality

  • Google Calendar ICS

July 22-24, 2022

Potomac Massage Training Institute, Silver Spring, MD

Contact: workshops@PMTI.org, ‭(202) 686-7046‬

Instructor: Roger Tolle

Language: English

Prerequisites: Completion of Level III training, or Trager Practitioner status

Class Fee: $525

This workshop addresses two vital parts of Trager that go beyond safety and relaxation. More precise clinical assessment helps you can see with Somatic Movement Therapy eyes and assess your client’s movement for what work will be most meaningful for them in both the short term and the long term. And a focus on increasing tissue aliveness and imparting a felt sense of “springy vitality” in the clients who really need it (and most need it somewhere) – starting, of course, with learning to develop a balanced and energized tone in our own bodies from which to work. What could it feel like with more spring in attitude, more tone in tissue, more integration in structure, and more youthful aliveness in movement? How do we cultivate these qualities in our self-preparation time, in our interview process, in our table time, and in the way we integrate the session into life patterns? What happens when, after establishing sufficient safety, trust and relaxation, we focus the session on the feeling of agelessness?


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 Level V: Creativity, Listening, Feeling.  The non-verbal communication of Trager with emphasis on Reflex Response
to Dec 12

Level V: Creativity, Listening, Feeling. The non-verbal communication of Trager with emphasis on Reflex Response

Course Info:

Professional Training Level V : Creativity, Listening, Feeling: The non-verbal communication of Trager with emphasis on Reflex Response

Location: Puerto Morales Mexico (20 minutes from Cancun)

Training Dates: December 7-9 and 11-12, 2021

Faculty: George Gottlieb, TI Instructor

Language of Instruction: English

Notes: Class cost: $750.00

Contact Info: Martina Stamand

Phone: +1 (250) 244-1754 +52 (988) 214-4595

email: martinasoasis@hotmail.com

website: https://martinasoasis.com/en/

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 Level V
to Jun 6

Level V

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level V

LOCATION: Seminarhaus Weigenheim, Kapellbergweg 17, 97215 Weigenheim, www.tagungshof.de, GERMANY

TRAINING DATES: 03.06.2021 10:00 – 06.06.2021 16:00

FACULTY: Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives


NOTES: Eine entspannte Kiefer- und Gesichtsmuskulatur begünstigt in vielen Fällen einen freieren Nacken und Schultergürtel. Freiere Stimme, Atem und Selbstausdruck können die Folge sein. Im Kiefer- Kurs lernen wir die Landkarten und Zusammenhänge der Gesichts-, Hals- und Nackenmuskulatur kennen, um mit neuen Techniken effektiv in diesem Gebiet arbeiten zu können. Bitte beachten: Anreisetag ist bereits Donnerstag Voraussetzung: Praktikerstatus

Contact Info:

TVD Kursorganisation Ulrike Engel
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 8 89 40 00

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Level V: Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity
to Oct 11

Level V: Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Level V

Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity

October 9-11, 2020

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Faculty: Amrita Daigle

Language of Instruction: Bilingual French and English

Contact Info:

Amrita Daigle





Prerequisite: Level IV and active Practitioner status. Content: the use of words as a powerful tool of transformation, management of resistance and persistent tension, outsmarting the patterns to create genuine shifts. Tuition is in CAN dollars, great rate advantage for people coming from Europe and USA. 25$ CAN discount if total amount paid by September 9. Beautiful French flavour town. Affordable accommodation available. Kindly register as soon as possible, for logistical reasons. Thank you.


Amrita works in the field of somatic education since 40 years. She has been a yoga and a massage teacher before becoming a TRAGER® Practitioner in 1983. She has studied with Milton Trager over a period of 15 years and is a TRAGER International Instructor since 1991. She offers a joyful and creative pedagogy, where clarity and precision are highlighted. While teaching, she naturally blends the information in a flow that creates a learning environment facilitating global integration. Amrita has taught the TRAGER Approach in Québec, Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.

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Level V: Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity
to Sep 5

Level V: Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Level V: Movement Reeducation and Brain Plasticity

September 3-5, 2020

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Faculty: Amrita Daigle

Language of Instruction: Bilingual French and English

Contact Info:

Amrita Daigle




NOTES: Prerequisite: Level IV and active Practitioner status. Content: the use of words as a powerful tool of transformation, management of resistance and persistent tension, outsmarting the patterns to create genuine shifts. More details on request. Tuition is in CAN dollars, great rate advantage for people coming from Europe and USA. 25$ CAN discount if total amount paid by August 3. Beautiful French flavour town. Affordable accommodation available. This training filled a few weeks after its posting last time it was offered: register quickly if you wish to get a spot in this one!


Amrita works in the field of somatic education since 40 years. She has been a yoga and a massage teacher before becoming a TRAGER® Practitioner in 1983. She has studied with Milton Trager over a period of 15 years and is a TRAGER International Instructor since 1991. She offers a joyful and creative pedagogy, where clarity and precision are highlighted. While teaching, she naturally blends the information in a flow that creates a learning environment facilitating global integration. Amrita has taught the TRAGER Approach in Québec, Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.

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Level V
to Aug 23

Level V

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level V

Kientalerhof, Switzerland

Faculty: Bill Scholl

Language of Instruction: English

Language of Translation: German

Contact Info:

Ruth Ernst and Gabriela Scholl-Läubli
+41 78 726 81 10

I will be teaching the class that Gail was invited to teach. As I read the topics Gail planned to offer, I can see ways to use her suggestions, with some changes and additions. It seems to me that to understand what Milton Trager wanted for his students is critical to the quality of our work. At the same time, he wanted us to make the work our own. He never believed that what we do must look like what he did, and he made this clear on many occasions.

Please know that this class is not about technique! There is no end to deepening feeling qualities in our own minds! Milton wanted us to feel more and to think less. This is a never- ending process and we will spend our time together exploring exactly this. When we trust ourselves and take risks everything becomes possible!

‘Forget the body, it’s the mind we’re after.’ Dr. Trager left us many ‘koans’ like this to instruct us in developing the qualities of feeling, movement and thinking that make up our Trager work. This Level 15 includes a playful exploration of what happens to us and our clients when we deliberately ‘enter the mind of Dr. Trager’ and see his view of body and mind as our own. (This is Gail’s idea and it’s great! We’ll go there! -Bill)

As a group, we can find ways to inspire each other. Each individual can play with expanding their own repertoire, including their communication skills, so that our practice can grow from within.

Goals for the class:

  • Exploring the degrees of freedom in one's own mind and movement as a practitioner

  • Giving the client a feeling of ease in various situations

  • Finding practical ways to recall, enter into and stay in hook-up

  • Expanding security, confidence and creativity in our own qualities of form and presence


  • Communicating with clients-describing the work

  • Varied exercises with the goal of deepening our listening skills

  • Work on the table, chairs and mats, exploring movement and touching in the treatment in new, different ways

  • Giving sessions to outside clients during the class


Bill Scholl, has been a Trager practitioner and teacher for the last 40 years. He studied with Dr. Milton Trager for 16 years and has a full time practice in Zurich, Switzerland. He has been a summer camp director, schoolteacher, farmer, businessman and massage instructor. He delights in sharing what he has discovered over the years, from his understanding of the relationship between therapist and patient to the mystery of growing the perfect tomato.

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 Level V
to Aug 2

Level V

Course Info:

Professional Training >> Level V

Seminarhaus Weigenheim, Kapellbergweg 17, 97215 Weigenheim, www.tagungshof.de

31.07.2020, 10:00 – 02.08.2019, 16:00

FACULTY: Martin Heigl, zertifizierter TRAGER Instruktor, Tutor und Lehrbeauftragter für Anatomie, MENTASTICS und Electives


NOTES: Eine entspannte Kiefer- und Gesichtsmuskulatur begünstigt in vielen Fällen einen freieren Nacken und Schultergürtel. Freiere Stimme, Atem und Selbstausdruck können die Folge sein. Im Kiefer- Kurs lernen wir die Landkarten und Zusammenhänge der Gesichts-, Hals- und Nackenmuskulatur kennen, um mit neuen Techniken effektiv in diesem Gebiet arbeiten zu können. Bitte beachten: Anreisetag ist bereits Donnerstag Voraussetzung: Praktikerstatus
Anmeldeschluss: 22.05.2020
Kosten: 360 €+ U/V; Frühbucherpreis bis 10.04.2020: 330 €

Contact Info:

TVD Kursorganisation Ulrike Engel
Tel: +49 (0) 91 31 - 8 89 40 00

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Level V
to Dec 5

Level V

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Level V

12-3-2019 to 12-5-2019

Puerto Morelos, Mexico

Faculty: Bill and Gabriela Scholl

Language of Instruction: English

Language of Translation: French and German

Notes: This class will count as a Level 4 training as needed. Cost for Canadian practitioners will be 450 Canadian dollars.

Contact Info:

Martina Stamand



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Level V
to Nov 3

Level V

Course Info:

Continuing Education Training >> Level V - About Skin

1 to 3 November 2019

Kiental (3723), Switzerland

Faculty: Jean-Louis Marie

Language of Instruction: French

Language of Translation: German

Notes: Kientalerhof center

Contact Info:

Ruth Ernst


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